We—teachers and students—are lifetime learners. Both the participants in and the process of teaching and learning extend beyond the physical classroom into the everyday world. Instructional technology supports, enhances, and re-defines this type of learning and teaching.
I have taught mathematics, computer science, and teacher education—grade 6 through graduate courses—and I have served as the K12 director of technology for a school district. Currently I am an adjunct instructor in instructional technology at a local university teaching graduate workshops for teachers. I have provided professional development designed to reform both the teaching and learning of mathematics education on a statewide basis. I have presented to local, state, regional, and national groups about mathematics and technology education and I have served on the boards of local and state mathematics and technology education organizations.
Educators have the best job in the world. In what other profession can you make differences in both the present and the future lives of children and adults? Teaching is not always easy; but, it certainly is rewarding!