February 10, 2014

Using Storify to Share How Educators are Teaching with Inspiration Software

Storify is an application that helps you share stories, videos, and images on the web.

I am tweaking an online course that I will soon teach to pre-service educators. I used Twitter and the web to help me find ways that teachers are currently using Inspiration software. Storify helped me quickly put together a list of those uses that I can embed (or provide a link to view) on my blog and/or post on the online course's website. The uses in the Storify list include articles, videos (Vine and YouTube), and images from tweets and websites.

When I first read about Storify I appreciated the technology that enables it to work, but I did not see any reason to use it myself. What changed my mind? Quick access to current information for my students. I do not want to provide "old" information for my students. Storify helps me keep my lessons timely.

Would you like to try Storify? Here's a video tutorial that will help you learn how: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luZcU2E5cgI

The link and the embed follow.

Link: http://storify.com/schiffbauer/using-inspiration


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